Saturday, November 9, 2019

Shave Soap made by Wanda!!

So I have been using a honey/oatmeal goat milk shave soap for years and I love it.  I was down to the last bits of that soap in my shave mug and thought it would be nice to have some scents that matched our regular shower soap I get from  Goat Milk Soap Naturally Made by Wanda. So I contacted her and discussed this possibility and she thought it was a great idea.  PHEW!!

She brewed up four scents, the most important being the lemongrass scent that I wanted. Well goat milk soap takes a month or so to age properly which stinks in our instant gratification world.  POO!!!  I waited impatiently but today it was ready and I went to pick it up at a local craft fair.  I ran right home and shaved, having avoided shaving this morning for just this occasion!  Glad I did. 

First report on shaving is good.  Soap foams up just enough, face feels great, and I smell awesome!  That's my personal opinion of course but I'll update in a week or so with my wife's opinion.  Heehee...

The link above is for Wanda's FB page.  I also make shave brushes from badger hair if anyone is interested.  I'm contacting a local potter we use to come up with a nice shave mug as well that we can pair up into a nice package deal at some point.  Take care all!
